
IRTG 2078 Book-Publication

Böhlke, T., Henning, F., Hrymak, A. N., Kärger, L., Weidenmann, K., Wood, J. T.:
Continuous-discontinuous fiber-reinforced polmers. An integrated engineering approach.
ISBN: 978-1-56990-692-7, Hanser Fachbuchverlag (2019)

With chapters by: Albert Albers, William Altenhof, Fabian Ballier, Thomas Böhlke, David Bücheler, Viktoriia Butenko, Colin Denniston, Peter Elsner, Benedikt Fengler, Jürgen Fleischer, Johannes Görthofer, Peter Gumbsch, Anton Helfrich, Frank Henning, Martin Hohberg, Jörg Hohe, Andrew Hrymak, Sergej Ilinzeer, Luise Kärger, Loredana Kehrer, Takashi Kuboki, Daniel Kupzik, Gisela Lanza, Jörg Lienhard, Nils Meyer, Britta Nestler, Tarkes Dora Pallicity, Chul B. Park, Pascal Pinter, Ali Rizvi, Marielouise Schäferling, Malte Schemmann, Daniel Schneider, Michael Schober, Ludwig Schöttl, Lukas Schulenberg, Volker Schulze, Felix K. Schwab, Thomas Seelig, Michael Thompson, Anna Trauth, Kay A. Weidenmann, Jeffrey T. Wood, Frederik Zanger

Upcoming Events

  • Seminar of the Graduate School GRK 2078
    Dr. Prateek SharmaPostdoc, Chair of Applied Mechanics
    Saarland University, Saarbrücken
    Group Leader: Polymers
    Title: Crack propagation in viscoelastic materials during relaxation
    Date: 28.05.2024

Past Seminars and Workshops


  • Seminar of the Graduate School GRK 2078
    Prof. Dr.- Ing. Anne Meyer
    Professur Data Science im Maschinenbau
    Institut für Informationsmanagement im Ingenieurswesen (IMI)
    Title: Automatisiertes maschinelles Lernen und CLS-Luigi
    Date: 14.05.2024
  • Seminar of the Graduate School GRK 2078
    Dr. Laurent Orgéas
    Senior Scientist at Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Grenoble / France
    Title: What can 3D multiscale imaging bring to the mechanics of textile reinforcements during their forming
    Date: 30.04.2024
  • Seminar of the Graduate School GRK 2078
    Prof. Mark Kachanov
    Prof of Mechanical Engineering, Tufts University / Boston
    Title: Heterogeneous materials: Microstructure-property connections and cross-property relations
  • Seminar of the Graduate School GRK 2078
    Dr.-Ing. Constantin Krauß
    Gruppenleiter Umform- und Struktursimulation / Schnittstellenentwicklung CAE-Kette
    Institut für Fahrzeugsystemtechnik (FAST)
    Title: Direction-Dependent Result Data Transfer in Virtual Process Chains for Fiber-Reinforced Polymers and the Impact on Structural Simulation
    Date: 16.04.2024
  • Seminar of the Graduate School GRK 2078
    Philipp Bonfert
    Masterstudent im Fachbereich Maschinenbau/KIT
    Mitglied Akademische Fliegergruppe am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie e.V
    Title: Auslegung und Fertigung von Faserverstärkten Bauteilen für die Luftfahrt unter Ausnutzung von deren Anisotropie
    Date: Tuesday, 06 February, 2024, 14:30h
  • Seminar of the Graduate School GRK 2078
    Dr. Andreas Endruweit
    Associate Professor in Composites Manufactoring
    The University of Nottingham /  U.K.
    Title: Simulation of composites manufactoring based on advanced modelling of reinforcement proberties
    Date: Tuesday, 23 January, 2024, 14:30h
  • Seminar of the Graduate School GRK 2078
    Dr.-Ing. Eric Bayerschen
    ZF Group/Alfdorf
    Team Leader
    CAE/Simulation Seatbelt Component (RDSS24)
    Title: Simulation of Passive Safety Systems at ZF Alfdorf
    Date: Tuesday, 16 January, 2024, 14:30
  • Seminar of the Graduate School GRK 2078
    Prof. Dr. Christina Papenfuß
    Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin (HTW) / University of Applied Sciences
    Title: Can liquid crystals inspire the modelling of fiber suspensions and fiber composites?
    Date: Tuesday, 09 January, 2024, 14:30h


  • Seminar of the Graduate School GRK 2078
    Prof. Dr.- Ing. Arnold Krawietz
    Former university lecturer for Mechanical Engineering, Process and Environmental Engineering at the Berliner Hochschule für Technik (BHT)
    Title: The reaction stresses of an incompressible second-gradient fluid
    Date: Tuesday, 05 December, 2023, 14:30
  • Seminar of the Graduate School GRK 2078
    Bilen Emek Abali
    Associate Professor in Solid Mechanics
    Uppsala University / Sweden
    Title: Multiphysics Simulation of Thermosetting Polymers
    Date: Tuesday, 24 October, 2023, 14:00h
  • Seminar of the Graduate School GRK 2078
    Prof. Dr.- Ing. Klemens Böhm
    Chair of the Institute for Program Structures and Data Organization (IPD)
    Title: Being Informed with Data Science - Engineering as a Use Case for Research in Data Management ans Analytics?
    Date: Tuesday, 04 July, 2023, 14:00h
  • IRTG/ICRG Summer School 2023
    Location: WissenschaftsForum Berlin
    June 19-23, 2023
    [Scientific Program]
  • Seminar of the Graduate School GRK 2078
    Eike Reinhardt, Dr.-Ing. Frank Burbulla
    Simulation Karosseriesystem
    Dr. Ing. h. c. F. Porsche AG
    Title: Using Micromech & Consideration of Fiber Orientation of Thermoplastics in Whole Vehicle Crash Simulations
    Date: Tuesday, June 13, 2023, 14:00h
  • Seminar of the Graduate School GRK 2078
    Dr. Hervé Henry
    Institut Polytechnique de Paris
    Title: Phase field study of crack propagation in heterogenous materials
    Date: Tuesday, May 23, 2023, 14:00h
  • Seminar of the Graduate School GRK 2078
    Dr.- Ing. Olaf Toedter / Leiter neue Technologien und Zündsysteme
    KIT Campus Transfer GmbH
    Title: Nachhaltige Produktentwicklung für Ingenieure
    Date: Tuesday, May 02, 2023, 14:00h
  • Seminar of the Graduate School GRK 2078
    Dr.- Ing. André Weber / Akademischer Oberrat
    Institut für Angewandte Materialien - Elektochemische Technologien (IAM-ET)
    Title: Multiphysics Modeling of Electrochemical Systems - Fuel Cells, Electrolyzers and Lithium Batteries
    Date: Tuesday, April 18, 2023, 14:00h
  • Seminar of the Graduate School GRK 2078
    Dr.- Ing. Natalie Rauter
    Helmut-Schmidt-University / University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg
    Title: A stochasic material modeling approach by means of Gaussian random fields and its application to short-fiber reinforced composites
    Date: Thursday, March 2, 2023, 10:00h
  • Seminar of the Graduate School GRK 2078
    Prof. Patrizia Trovalusci
    Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering / Sapienza University of Rome
    Title: Discrete-Continuos Models for Microstructured Materials: Non Classical/Non-Local Descriptions, with applications to composites and masonry
    Date: Tuesday, February 28, 2023, 14:00h
  • Seminar of the Graduate School GRK 2078
    Prof. Jan Zeman
    Czech Technical University / Prague
    Title: Wang tiles for modular-topology optimization of compliant structures and mechanisms
    Date: Thursday, February 23, 2023, 10:00h
  • Seminar of the Graduate School GRK 2078
    Prof. Philipp Junker
    Leibniz University Hannover
    Title: Material modeling using Hamilton’s principle:damage processes and phase transformations
    Date: Tuesday, February 07, 2023, 14:00h
  • Online-Seminar of the Graduate School GRK 2078
    Associate Professor Philipp Cardiff
    School of Mechanical and Material Engineering, University College Dublin
    Title: An overview of the finite volume method for solid mechanics and fluid-solid interaction
    Date: Tuesday, January 31, 2023, 14:00h
  • Seminar of the Graduate School GRK 2078
    Dr. Charlotte Debus Junior Research Group Leader, Steinbruch Centre for Computing (SCC)
    Title: Energy Efficient AI – What it means and why we should care
    Date: Thursday, January 19, 2023, 15:45h
  • Seminar of the Graduate School GRK 2078
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anne Koziolek
    Institute for Program Structures and Data Organization, KIT
    Title: Modelling for Continuous Software Engineering
    Date: Tuesday, January 17, 2023, 14:00h
  • Seminar of the Graduate School GRK 2078
    Prof. Sabine Enders
    Institute of Technical Thermodynamics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
    Title: Advanced Thermodynamics of Polymer Containing Systems
    Date: Thursday, January 12, 2023, 15:45h


  • Seminar of the Graduate School GRK 2078
    Prof. Steffen Freitag
    Head of Institue for Structural Analysis, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
    Title: Structural Optimization under Polymorphic Uncertainty
    Date: Thursday, November 24, 2022, 15:45h
  • IRTG/ICRG Summer School 2022
    June 20-23, 2022
    [Scientific Program]
  • Online-Seminar of the Graduate School GRK 2078
    Emeritus Professor Stepan Lomov
    Faculty of Engineering Science, KU LEUVEN University, Netherlands
    Title: Meso-finite element modelling of textile composites: Is there a “silverbullet” to kill yarns interpenetrations and create a reliable mesh?
    Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 14:00h
  • Seminar of the Graduate School GRK 2078
    Professor Kamran Behdinan
    Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto
    Title: Advances in Design and Analysis of Lightweight Materials and Structures – Research conducted at University of Toronto ARL-MLS
    Friday, June 03, 2022, 11:00h
  • Intensive Project Workshop 2.0 of IRTG 2078
    11.04.2022, Gastdozentenhaus, Karlsruhe, Germany


  • Online-Seminar of GRK 2078
    Prof. Frédéric Lebon
    Aix-Marseille Université, France
    Asympototic modeling of solid/solid interfaces (and some experimental results)
    Tuesday, December 14, 2021, 14:00h
  • Intensive Project Workshop of IRTG 2078
    01.-03.11.2021, Thomashof, Karlsruhe-Durlach, Germany
  • Workshop des GAMM Fachausschusses Experimentelle Festkörpermechanik / Online
    Oktober 6, 2021, 14:00-17:30h
  • Online-Seminar Series "From Experiment to Simulation"
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Hartmann
    Title: Division of Solid Mechanics, Institute of Applied Mechanics, Clausthal University of Technology, Germany
    Monday, August 30, 2021, 09:00-10:30h and 11:00-12:30h
    Tuesday, August 31, 2021, 09:00-10:30h and 11:00-12:30h
  • Qualifizierungsprogramm ,,Forschungsdatenmanagement und Digitale Workflows" des ITM-KM in Zusammenarbeit mit Prof. Gumbsch (IAM-CMS), Sommersemester 2021
    Dieses Qualifizierungsprogramm wird im Rahmen des Internationalen Graduiertenkollegs 2078 "Integrierte Entwicklung kontinuierlich-diskontinuierlich langfaserverstärkter Polymerstrukturen" - auch für den Bachelor-Schwerpunkt Kontinuumsmechanik (SP13) - angeboten und von Prof. Thomas Böhlke (ITM, Sprecher des GRK 2078) und Prof. Peter Gumbsch (IAM-CMS) organisiert.

    Alle Termine finden im Online-Format statt, jeweils von 14:00 bis 15:30 Uhr. Die Vorträge werden in deutscher Sprache gehalten und die Vortragstermine sind wie folgt:

    Dr. Nicole Jung, Institut für Biologische und Chemische Systeme - Funktionale molekulare Systeme, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
    Di., 15.06.2021 - Fachdatenbanken
    Titel: Chemotion ELN und Repositorium: Aufbau von Forschungsdateninfrastruktur für die Chemie und darüber hinaus
    (Chemotion ELN and Repository: building research data infrastructure for chemistry and beyond)

    Dr. Ivan Kondov, Scientific Computing and Mathematics, Steinbuch Centre for Computing, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
    Di., 29.06.2021 - Datenmanagement
    Titel: Workflows für Computersimulation und Datenanalyse in der Materialforschung
    (Workflows for computer simulation and data analysis in materials research)

    Dr.-Ing. Felix Bach, Scientific Data Management, Steinbuch Centre for Computing, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
    Di., 06.07.2021 - Daten/Repositories
    Titel:  Forschungsdatenmanagement am KIT - Dienste und Best Practice

    (Research data management at KIT - Services and Best Practice)
  • IRTG/ICRC Summer School 2021 (Online)
    May 18-20, 2021
    [Scientific Program]
  • Online-Seminar of GRK 2078
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Lion
    Institute for Mechanics, Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of the German Armed Forces in Munich, Neubiberg, Germany
    Part 2: On the representation of polymerphysical phenomena in continuum mechanics
    Tuesday, March 30, 2021, 14:00h
  • Online-Seminar of GRK 2078
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Lion
    Institute for Mechanics, Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of the German Armed Forces in Munich, Neubiberg, Germany
    Part 1: On the representation of polymerphysical phenomena in continuum mechanics
    Tuesday, February 16, 2021, 14:00h
  • Online-Seminar of GRK 2078
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Hartmann
    Division of Solid Mechanics, Institute of Applied Mechanics, Clausthal University of Technology, Germany
    Problems in Curing of Epoxy Resins. From Experiments to Simulations
    Tuesday, February 9, 2021, 14:00h
  • Online-Seminar of GRK 2078
    Prof. Dr. Marcus Elstner
    Theoretical Chemical Biology, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
    Tailored Scale-Bridging Approaches to Computational Nanoscience
    Tuesday, February 2, 2021, 14:00h


  • Online-Seminar of GRK 2078
    Jun.-Prof. Benedikt Kriegesmann
    Workgroup Structural optimization for lightweight design (M-EXK1), TU Hamburg, Germany
    Multiscale and multiphysical simulation of composites under uncertainty
    Tuesday, December 15, 2020, 14:00h
  • Online-Seminar of GRK 2078
    Dr. Axel Spickenheuer
    Workgroup Complex Structural Components, IPF - Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e. V., Germany
    Advances in variable-axial fiber design and the potential for future lightweight structures
    Tuesday, December 8, 2020, 14:00h
  • Online-Seminar of GRK 2078
    Dr. Tim Dahmen
    German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Agents and Simulated Reality, Saarbrücken, Germany
    Deep Learning in MatWerk - Einführung und Anwendungen
    Tuesday, November 24, 2020, 14:00h
  • Online-Seminar of GRK 2078
    Dr.-Ing. Michael Selzer
    Multiscale Materials Modelling and Data Processing,
    IAM - Computational Materials Science, KIT, Germany
    Karlsruhe data infrastructure for materials sciences (KaDI4Mat)
    Tuesday, November 17, 2020, 14:00h
  • Online-Seminar of GRK 2078
    Prof. Inge Hinterwaldner
    Institut für Kunst- und Baugeschichte, Fakultät für Architektur, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Germany
    Visualisierungen aus bildwissenschaftlicher Perspektive
    Tuesday, October 13, 2020, 14:00h

  • Online-Seminar of GRK 2078

    Prof. Marek Behr, Ph.D.

    Chair for Computational Analysis of Technical Systems (CATS)
    Center for Simulation and Data Science (JARA-CSD), RWTH Aachen University, Germany
    Novel Space-Time Finite Element Simulation Methods in Material Processes
    Tuesday, September 22, 2020, 14:00h

  • Qualifizierungsprogramm ,,Forschungsdatenmanagement und Digitale Workflows"
    des ITM-KM in Zusammenarbeit mit Prof. Gumbsch (IAM-CMS), Sommersemester 2020

    Dieses Qualifizierungsprogramm wird im Rahmen des Internationalen Graduiertenkollegs 2078 "Integrierte Entwicklung kontinuierlich-diskontinuierlich langfaserverstärkter Polymerstrukturen" - auch für den Bachelor-Schwerpunkt Kontinuumsmechanik (SP13) - angeboten und von Prof. Thomas Böhlke (ITM, Sprecher des GRK 2078) und Prof. Peter Gumbsch (IAM-CMS) organisiert.

    Seminarvorträge zum Thema "Digitale Workflows"
    M.Sc. Julian Bauer (Mitglied des GRK 2078)

    Die Vorträge werden in deutscher Sprache gehalten und die Vortragstermine sind wie folgt:
    - 28.07.2020: "Was ist Git?"
    - 04.08.2020: "Was ist Gitlab?"

    Alle Termine finden im Online-Format statt, jeweils 15:45 bis 17:15 Uhr

    Mitglieder des GRK 2078 (auch studentische Hilfskräfte) können bis zum 21.07.2020 ihre verbindliche Anmeldung mit Betreff "Anmeldung Seminarvorträge zum Thema "Digitale Workflows" (Name, Vorname, Matr.-Nr., KIT-Account)" an: helga.betsarkis∂ senden. Sie erhalten dann zeitnah weitere Informationen zum Online-Format dieser Veranstaltungen.

  • Qualifizierungsprogramm ,,Forschungsdatenmanagement und Digitale Workflows"
    des ITM-KM in Zusammenarbeit mit Prof. Gumbsch (IAM-CS), Sommersemester 2020

    Das Qualifizierungsprogramm kann jeweils im Sommersemester wahrgenommen werden. Das Programm besteht aus einführenden Vorträgen in die Problematik und einem Abschlusskolloquium, in dem auch Fragen zur Planung zum Studium und zur späteren Berufstätigkeit geklärt werden können. Die Teilnahme an diesem Qualifizierungsprogramm wird zertifiziert.
    Die Vorträge werden in deutscher Sprache gehalten und die Vortragstermine sind wie folgt:

    Prof. Christoph Eberl, IWM Fraunhofer:

    Digitale Transformation in der Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik: von digitalen Workflows zum Material-Wissensgraphen

    (The Digital Transformation in Materials Science and Engineering: from Digital Workflows to Materials Knowledge Graphs)


    Herr Klaus Wolf, Fraunhofer-Institute for Algoriths and Scientific Computing SCAI, Sankt Augustin:

    Auf dem Weg zum digitalen Zwilling: Vereinheitlichung von Formaten und Definitionen in virtuellen Fertigungsabläufen

    (On the way to the digital twin: Unification of formats and definitions in virtual manufacturing processes)

    Prof. Achim Streit, Direktor des SCC, KIT:

    Daten-Intensives Rechnen ermöglichen
    (Enabling Data-Intensive Computing)


    Alle Termine finden im Online-Format statt, jeweils 15:45 bis 17:15 Uhr
    Mitglieder des GRK 2078 (auch studentische Hilfskräfte) können bis spätestens 14.06.2020 ihre verbindliche Anmeldung mit Betreff "Anmeldung Qualifizierungsprogramm (Name, Vorname, Matr.-Nr., KIT-Account)" an: helga.betsarkis∂ senden. Sie erhalten dann zeitnah weitere Informationen zum Online-Format dieser Veranstaltungen.

  • Summer School of the International Research Training Group (IRTG)
    Online-Summer-School, June 23, 2020
    Integrated Engineering of Continuous-Discontinuous Long Fiber Reinforced Polymer Structures (DFG-GRK 2078)
    [Scientific Program]
  • Seminar of GRK 2078
    M.Sc. Marie-Christine Reuvers
    Institute of Applied Mechanics, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
    A thermomechanical interface formulation describing separation in ceramic matrix composites
    Tuesday, February 4, 2020, 14:00h
    Bldg. 10.23, 3rd Floor, Room 308.1 (KM-Seminar Room)


  • Seminar of GRK 2078
    Prof. Reinaldo Rodríguez-Ramos
    Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Havana, Cuba

    Maxwell method applied to piezoelectric heterogeneous problems

    Tuesday, December 17, 2019, 14:00h
    Bldg. 10.23, 3rd Floor, Room 308.1 (KM-Seminar Room)
  • Seminar of GRK 2078
    Prof. Reinaldo Rodríguez-Ramos
    Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Havana, Cuba
    Three scale asymptotic homogenization method for viscoelastic heterogeneous medie. Applicatioins
    Tuesday, December 4, 2019, 17:00h
    Bldg. 10.23, 3rd Floor, Room 308.1 (KM-Seminar Room)
  • Seminar of GRK 2078
    Prof. Reinaldo Rodríguez-Ramos
    Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Havana, Cuba

    Computation of effective properties of smart composites

    Tuesday, December 3, 2019, 14:00h
    Bldg. 10.23, 3rd Floor, Room 308.1 (KM-Seminar Room)
  • Modulares Qualifizierungskonzept für Studentinnen
    11. Generation, Frauen für die Ingenieurwissenschaften
    - Projekttag wird noch bekannt gegeben (Anfang 2019)
    - Modul Wissenschaftsmanagement: Sommersemester 2019
  • 4th Annual ICRC/IRTG Symposium
    University of Western Ontario, London, Canada
    June 24-28, 2019
    Local Organizer: Jeff Wood
    [Scientific Program]

    Accompanying compact courses:
    "Mechanical Characterization of Anisotropic Materials"
    Prof. J. T. Wood, Western University
    June 17-19, 2019

    "Characterization and Processing of Filled Polymers"
    Prof. M. Thompson, McMaster University
    June 20-21, 2019
  • Workshop/Lecture, April 23rd-26th, 2019 (for individual Curriculum):
    Investigation of Interlaminar Fracture Mechanics of FRP using Digital Image Correlation
    Dr.-Ing. Matthias Merzkirch, Guest Researcher
    NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S. Department of Commerce, Gaithersburg, U.S.A.
  • Seminar of GRK 2078
    Dr. Eleni Agiasofitou
    Department of Physics, Darmstadt University, Darmstadt, Germany

    New advancements on the J-, M-, and L-integrals: from micromechanics of dislocations to body charges and body forces

    Tuesday, February 5, 2019, 14:00h
    Bldg. 10.23, 3rd Floor, Room 308.1 (KM-Seminar Room)
  • Seminar of GRK 2078
    Dr. Phys.-Math. Wiss. habil. Lidiia Nazarenko
    Insitute of Mechanics (IFME), Otto von Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany
    Effective properties of particulate composites with surface varying interphase
    Monday, January 28, 2019, 14:30h
    Bldg. 10.23, 3rd Floor, Room 308.1 (KM-Seminar Room)


  • Modulares Qualifizierungskonzept für Studentinnen
    11. Generation, Frauen für die Ingenieurwissenschaften
    Modul Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten:
    - Seminar "Formulieren und Argumentieren": 20./21.12.2018 (9:30-16 Uhr)

  • Seminar of GRK 2078
    Dipl.-Ing. Frank Huberth
    Head of the Group Crashdynamics, Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials IWM,
    Freiburg, Germany
    Strain rate effects for crash and Iimpact at macro and micro scales
    Tuesday, 18.12.2018, 14:00h
    Bldg. 10.23, 3rd Floor, Room 308.1 (KM-Seminar Room)
  • Modulares Qualifizierungskonzept für Studentinnen
    11. Generation, Frauen für die Ingenieurwissenschaften
    Modul Jahreskolloquium: 13.12.2018 (12:30-15:00Uhr)
  • Seminar of GRK 2078
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sabine Roller
    Simulation Techniques and Scientific Computing, Universität Siegen, Siegen, Germany
    Continous and discontious Galerkin methods in fluid dynamics and fluid-structure interaction
    Tuesday, 11.12.2018, 14:00h
    Bldg. 10.23, 3rd Floor, Room 308.1 (KM-Seminar Room)
  • 31st International Workshop Research in Mechanics of Composite 2018
    International Research Training Groups ViVaCE (IRTG 1627) and CoDiCo (IRTG 2078)
    December 4-7, 2018, Bad Herrenalb, Germany
  • Modulares Qualifizierungskonzept für Studentinnen
    11. Generation, Frauen für die Ingenieurwissenschaften
    Modul Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten:
    - Einführungsveranstaltung: 14.11.2018 (11-12 Uhr)
    - Seminar "Präsentationstechnik": 22./23.11.2018 (9:30-16 Uhr)
  • Seminar of GRK 2078
    Prof. Dr. Chris Eberl

    Deputy Director, Meso and Micro Mechanics, Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials IWM, Freiburg Germany

    The Digital Transformation in Materials Science and Engineering
    Tuesday, 20.11.2018, 14:00h
    Bldg. 10.23, 3rd Floor, Room 308.1 (KM-Seminar Room)
  • Seminar of GRK 2078
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Laura De Lorenzis

    Institut für Angewandte Mechanik, TU Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany
    Phase-field modeling and computation of fracture and fatigue

    Tuesday, 27.11.2018, 14:00h
    Bldg. 10.23, 3rd Floor, Room 308.1 (KM-Seminar Room)
  • Seminar of GRK 2078
    Dr.-Ing. Karin Kniel
    Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig, Germany
    An introduction to measurement uncertainty
    Meaning - Determination methods - Examples from length metrology

    Thursday, 08.11.2018, 13:00h
    Bldg. 50.36, Conference Room F4 (F 127)
  • Seminar of GRK 2078
    APL Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ute Rabe
    Chair of Lightweight Systems, Fraunhofer IZFP in Saarbrücken, Germany
    Ultrasonic testing of fiber reinforced plastic materials
    Monday, September 24, 2018, 14:00h
    Bldg. 10.23, 3rd Floor, Room 308.1 (KM-Seminar Room)
  • Seminar of GRK 2078
    Sarah Ekanayake M.Sc.
    Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering WZL, RWTH Aachen, Chair of Production Metrology and Quality Management, Aachen, Germany
    Metrological Characterization of CFRP-Damages Using Optical Lock-In Thermography
    Wednesday, August 29, 2018, 13:30h
    Bldg. 50.36, Room 010
  • Seminar of GRK 2078
    Valerian Hirschberg, Doctoral Student
    Department of Chemical Engineering and CERMA, Quebec, Canada
    Institute for Chemical Technology and Polymer Chemistry (ITCP), KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany
    Fatigue Analysis of Polymers via Fourier Transform of the Stress
    Tuesday, July 31, 2018, 14:00h
    Bldg. 10.23, 3rd Floor, Room 308.1 (KM-Seminar Room)
  • Compact Seminar GRK 2078 on Fracture Mechanics

    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Seelig
    Institute for Mechanics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

    Wednesday, August 1, 2018, 14.00-16:00h

    Bldg. 10.30, Seminar Room, Institute for Mechanics
  • Seminar of GRK 2078
    Young-Bin Park, Ph.D.
    Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    Deputy Director, Fraunhofer Project Center for Composites Research @ UNIST
    Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), South Korea
    Smart applications of carbon nanomaterials and their composites
    Tuesday, July 24, 2018, 14:00h
    Bldg. 10.23, 3rd Floor, Room 308.1 (KM-Seminar Room)
  • Workshop/Lecture, July 9th-13th, 2018 (for individual Curriculum):
    Investigation of the Interlaminar and Intralaminar Shear Properties of FRP using Digital Image Correlation
    Dr.-Ing. Matthias Merzkirch, Guest Researcher
    NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S. Department of Commerce, Gaithersburg, U.S.A.
  • Seminar of GRK 2078
    Dr. Dilip K. Banerjee
    Mechanical Performance Group, Materials Science and Engineering Division, Material Measurement Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, MD, U.S.A.
    Optimum Mechanical Test Specimen Design for Metal Forming Applications
    Friday, 13.07.2018 / 14:30h
    Bldg. 10.23, 3rd Floor, Room 308.1 (KM-Seminar Room)
  • Seminar of GRK 2078
    Dr.-Ing. Gottfried Laschet
    ACCESS e.V., An-Institut der RWTH Aachen, Germany
    Multiscale simulation of an injection molded polypropylene part and derivation of its
    microstructure dependent elastic and thermal properties

    Monday, July 9, 2018, 14:00h
    Bldg. 10.23, 3rd Floor, Room 308.1 (KM-Seminar Room)
  • Seminar of GRK 2078
    Prof. Dr. Caterina Ida Zeppieri
    Institut für Analysis und Numerik, Universität Münster, Germany
    Stochastic homogenization of free-discontinuity problems
    Monday, June 25, 2018, 14:00h
    Bldg. 10.23, 3rd Floor, Room 308.1 (KM-Seminar Room)
  • Symposium of the International Research Training Group (IRTG) (Summer School)
    Integrated Engineering of Continuous-Discontinuous Long Fiber Reinforced Polymer Structures
    (DFG-GRK 2078)
    May 14-17, 2018, Karlsruhe, Germany
    [Scientific Program]
  • Seminar of GRK 2078
    Dipl. Math. Felix Ospald
    Faculty for Mathematics, TU Chemnitz, Germany
    Topology optimization for injection molding of short fiber reinforced plastics
    Tuesday, May 8, 2018, 14:30h
    Bldg. 10.23, 3rd Floor, Room 308.1 (KM-Seminar Room)
  • Seminar of GRK 2078
    M.Sc. Marita Holtmannspötter
    Nonlinear Optimization, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
    (joint work with C. Meyer and A. Rösch)
    Optimal control of mechanical damage processes
    Monday, May 7, 2018, 14:00h
    Bldg. 10.23, 3rd Floor, Room 308.1 (KM-Seminar Room)
  • Modulares Qualifizierungskonzept (Termine modifiziert) für Studentinnen
    (10. Generation)
    Modul Wissenschaftsmanagement:
    - Einführungsveranstaltung: 02.05.2018 (14:00-16:00 Uhr)
    - Seminar „Konfliktmanagement und Kommunikation“: 04./05.05.2018 (09:30-16:00 Uhr)
    - Seminar „Projektmanagement“: 17./18.05.2018 (09:30-16:00 Uhr)
  • Seminar of GRK 2078
    PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Robert Böhm
    Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology, Technische Universität Dresden
    Recent progress in damage tolerant design of composites
    Wednesday, 28.02.2018, 16:00h
    Bldg. 10.23, 3rd Floor, Room 308.1 (KM-Seminar Room)
  • Seminar of GRK 2078
    Johanne Hesselbach, Oliver Focke
    Faserinstitut Bremen (FIBRE)
    Fasercharakterisierung und hochauflösende CT-Aufnahmen
    Friday, February 23, 2018, 10:30h
    Bldg. 10.23, 3rd Floor, Room 308.1 (KM-Seminar Room)
    [PDF - Abstract Hesselbach]
    [PDF - Abstract Focke]
  • Seminar of GRK 2078
    Prof. Carolin Birk
    Structural Analysis of Plates and Shells, Department of Civil Engineering,
    University Duisburg-Essen
    Scaled boundary polygon elements for elastodynamics and material modelling
    Monday, February 7, 2018, 14:30h
    Bldg. 10.23, 3rd Floor, Room 308.1 (KM-Seminar Room)
  • Seminar of GRK 2078 / Industry Advisory Board
    Dr. Klaus Gleich
    Senior Research Associate – Corporate R&D, Johns Manville Europe GmbH | A Berkshire Hathaway Company, Wertheim
    Structural Thermoplastic Composites seen by a Glass Fiber Manufacturer
    Tuesday, February 6, 2018, 14:00h
    Bldg. 10.23, 3rd Floor, Room 308.1 (KM-Seminar Room)
  • Seminar of GRK 2078
    Prof. Markus Kästner
    Numerische und Experimentelle Festkörpermechanik, TU Dresden
    Multiscale modelling of the deformation and damage behaviour of fibre-reinforced polymers
    Monday, January 22, 2018, 14:30h
    Bldg. 10.23, 3rd Floor, Room 308.1 (KM-Seminar Room)


  • Seminar of GRK 2078
    Cand. M.Sc. Sebastian Gajek
    Institute of Engineering Mechanics, Chair for Continuum Mechanics
    Optical in-situ damage investigation of glass fiber rovings in an epoxy matrix
    Tuesday, December 19, 2017, 14:00h
    Bldg. 10.23, 3rd Floor, Room 308.1 (KM-Seminar Room)
  • Seminar of GRK 2078 / Industry Advisory Board
    Dipl. Ing. (FH), MBA Matthias Graf
    Director of Technology and Business Development, Dieffenbacher GmbH, Eppingen
    Continuous fiber reinforced polymer structures - process technologies and their challenges
    Tuesday, December 12, 2017, 16:00h
    Bldg. 10.23, 3rd Floor, Room 308.1 (KM-Seminar Room)
  • Seminar of GRK 2078 / Industry Advisory Board
    Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Potyra
    Zoltek Corporation, subsidiary of Toray Group, c/oToray International Europe GmbH, Neu-Isenburg
    Carbon fiber - ready for high volume automotive applications
    Monday, December 11, 2017, 14:30h
    Bldg. 10.23, 3rd Floor, Room 308.1 (KM-Seminar Room)
  • Thematic Workshop
    "Computational challenges for mechanical simulations based on digital image data"
    Dec. 6-7, 2017. Karlsruhe, Germany
    The simulation of microstructured solids in the context of mechanical multiscale problems remains a challenging field with many questions being unanswered. Particularly, the reduction of the computational cost (cpu time and memory) while limiting numerical artifacts induced by the employed discretization methods is sought after. The thematic workshop aims at developing, within a familiar atmosphere, discussions and interaction. Therefore, a scientific program including not only presentations but dedicated time slots for small group discussions is anticipated.
  • Modulares Qualifizierungskonzept für Studentinnen
    Modul: Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten
    - Einführungsveranstaltung, 13.11.2017, 14-16 Uhr
    - Seminar "Präsentationstechnik", 18./19.12.2017
    - Seminar "Überzeugend argumentieren im wissenschaftlichen Kontext", 11./12.01.2018
    - Projekttag "IRTG 2078", 23.02.2018
  • Seminar of GRK 2078
    PD Dr.-Ing. Philipp Junker
    Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Lehrstuhl für Mechanik - Materialtheorie
    The Hamilton Principle in Material Modeling: Foundations, Damage, and Optimized Growth
    Tuesday, November 28, 2017, 14:00h
    Bldg. 10.23, 3rd Floor, Room 308.1 (KM-Seminar Room)
  • Minisymposium - 7th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics for Young Scientists from Academia and Industry, October 11-13, 2017, Stuttgart, Germany

    The IRTG 1627 ViVaCE “Virtual Materials and their Validation” and the GRK 2078 “Integrated engineering of continuous-discontinuous long fiber reinforced polymer structures” will be organizing the Minisymposia:

    MS18: Virtual Analysis and Design of New Materials
    Polymers, composite materials and their combination with metals are increasingly applied in various engineering application fields due to their specific material properties and their resource-efficient design possibilities. The material behavior of these materials is highly influenced by the material composition and the manufacturing process, leading to a non-homogeneous microstructure. Thus, predictive computational engineering methods need to account for this heterogeneous microstructure. The aim of this Mini-Symposium is to present holistic integrated simulation approaches in the fields of fluid mechanic and phase field simulations, structure optimization, as well as micromechanical simulations and homogenization methods. Therefore, the presented material models are associated with multiscale and Multiphysics modeling and constitutive modeling with respect to thermomechanical, kinetic (phase field), interface, damage or dynamic failure approaches.

    - Martin Hohberg, Institute of Vehicle System Technology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), martin.hohberg∂
    - Loredana Kehrer, Institute of Engineering Mechanics, Chair for Continuum Mechanics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), loredana.kehrer∂
    - Christian Weißenfels, Institute of Continuum Mechanics, Leibniz Universität Hannover, weissenfels∂
  • Summer School Canada
    University of Western Ontario, London, Canada
    Local organizer: Jeff Wood
    [Scientific Program - PDF-download]

    Participants Summer School 2017

  • Seminar of GRK 2078
    Assoc. Prof. Kaan A. Inal
    Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, University of Waterloo, Canada
    Multiscale modeling of instabilities and localized deformation in polycrystalline solids
    Tuesday, July 11, 2017, 14:30h
    Bldg. 10.23, 3rd Floor, Room 308.1

  • Women for Engineering Sciences
    Modular qualification concepts for female students
    Modul Scientific Management:
    - Seminar "Conflict management und communication", June 23-24, 2017, 10:00-16:30h
    - Seminar "Project management", July 6-7, 2017, 10:00-16:30h

  • Seminar of GRK 2078
    Prof. Claudia Eckert
    The Open University, School of Engineering and Innovation, UK
    Change as little as possible!
    Tuesday, June 6, 2017, 10:00h
    Bldg. 10.23, 8th Floor, Room 805

  • Seminar of GRK 2078
    Professor Tim A. Osswald
    Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Fiber motion during processing of discontinuous fiber reinforced composites
    Friday, June 2, 2017, 14:00h
    Bldg. 10.23, 5th Floor, Room 504

  • Women for Engineering Sciences
    Modular qualification concepts for female students
    Modul Scientific Management:
    - Introduction June 1, 2017, 14:00-16:00h

  • Seminar of GRK 2078
    Assoc. Prof. Lars P. Mikkelsen
    Composites and Materials Mechanics, DTU Wind Energy,
    Technical University of Denmark
    Studying fatigue damage evolution in uni-directional composites using x-ray computed tomography
    Tuesday, May 23, 2017, 14:30h
    Bldg. 10.23, 3rd Floor, Room 308.1

  • GAMM AG Data Workshop 2017
    Challenges and Perspectives in Data-driven Modeling
    May 18-19, 2017
    Karlsruhe, Germany

  • Seminar of GRK 2078
    Andreas Wiegmann, PhD (Univ. of Washington), Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter,
    Math2Market GmbH, Kaiserslautern
    Mehrskalenmethoden mit GeoDict: Modellierung von Mikrostrukturen und Berechnung ihrer mechanischen Eigenschaften
    Monday, May 15, 2017, 14:00h
    Bldg. 10.23, 3rd Floor, Room 308.1

  • Seminar of GRK 2078
    Dr.-Ing. Xuan Cai
    Institute for Chemical Technology and Polymer Chemistry (ITCP), KIT
    Modeling and Simulation of Wetting Phenomena in Solid Structures
    Tuesday, Feb. 21, 2017, 14:00h
    KM-Seminarraum 308.1, Bldg. 10.23, 3rd Floor

  • Seminar of GRK 2078
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Schumacher, Lehrstuhl für Optimierung mechanischer Strukturen
    Bergische Universität Wuppertal
    Finding good layouts of lightweight structures with topology optimization procedures
    Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2017, 14:00h
    KM-Seminarraum 308.1, Bldg. 10.23, 3rd Floor

  • Seminar of GRK 2078
    cand. M.Sc. Daniel Wicht, Institut für Technische Mechanik (Kontinuumsmechanik im Maschinenbau), (KIT)
    A general thermomechanical model for viscoelastic materials and the characterization of polypropylene and unsaturated polyester polyurethane hybrid resin
    Monday, Jan. 30, 2017, 14:30h
    KM-Seminarraum 308.1, Bldg. 10.23, 3rd Floor


  • 29th International Workshop (GRK 2078)
    "Research in Mechanics of Composites"

    Dec. 6-8, 2016; Bad Herrenalb, Germany
    [Scientific Program - PDF-download]

  • First Meeting of the Industrial Advisory Board
    Nov. 23, 2016, 15:30-18:00h

  • AG Composite Simulation
    "Process simulation for fiber reinforced composites"
    Nov. 23, 2016, 10:00-13:00h
    KIT, Bldg. 50.41, Raum 145/146, 1. OG, Adenauerring 20a, 76131 Karlsruhe
    [Scientific Program - PDF-download]
  • Seminar of GRK 2078
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Prof. h.c. Jens Schuster, Hochschule Kaiserslautern
    Möglichkeiten zur Erhöhung der thermischen Leitfähigkeit von harzinjizierten Faserverbundwerkstoffen
    Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016, 14:00h
    KM-Seminarraum 308.1, Bldg. 10.23, 3rd Floor
  • Praktikantenplätze BoGy / Internship BoGy
    (Berufs- und Studienorientierung am Gymnasium)
    Oct. 24-28, 2016
  • Seminar of GRK 2078
    Dipl.-Math. Felix Ospald, TU Chemnitz
    Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Injection Molding for Short Fiber-Reinforced Thermoplastics
    Thursday, 21.07.2016 / 15:45h, Bldg. 10.81, HS 62 (R 153)
  • Seminar of GRK 2078
    PD Dr. Markus Sause, Universität Augsburg
    Schallemission – Eine Methode zur Überwachung von Bruchversuchen an Proben und Bauteilstrukturen
    Thursday, 14.07.2016 / 15:45h, Bldg. 10.81, HS 62 (R 153)
  • Summer School of the International Research Training Group (GRK 2078)
    "Integrated Engineering of Continuous-Discontinuous Long"

    Fiber Reinforced Polymer Structures
    July 6-7, 2016
    [Scientific Program - PDF-download]

    Participants Summer School 2016

  • Seminar of GRK 2078
    PD Dr. habil. Alexander Konyukhov, Kazan National Research Technical University (KNRTU-KAI), Kazan, Russia
    Geometrically exact theory for contact interactions - New developments
    Thursday, 21.04.2016 / 15:45h, Bldg. 10.23, 3rd Fl., R 308.1
  • Human Resource Management
    (Seminar within the obligatory curriculum of the doctoral students of GRK2078)
    Monday, February 15, 2016, 08:00-17:15h and
    Tuesday, February 16, 2016, 08:00-11:15h
  • Intercultural Communication & Presentation Training
    (Seminar within the obligatory curriculum of the doctoral students of GRK2078)
    Monday, February 22, 2016, 08:00-17:15h and
    Tuesday, February 23, 2016, 08:00-11:15h
  • International Project Management
    (Seminar within the obligatory curriculum of the doctoral students of GRK2078)
    Tuesday, February 23, 2016, 14:00-17:15h and
    Wednesday, February 24, 2016, 08:00-17:15h
  • Seminar of GRK 2078
    dr. ir. E.A.D. Lamers, Reden BV, Hengelo, The Netherlands
    Microstructural modelling of complex shaped composite products
    Thursday, 11.02.2016, 15:45-17:15 Uhr, Bldg. 10.81, HS 62 (R 153)
  • Seminar of GRK 2078
    Dr. Matti Schneider, Fraunhofer-Institut für Techno- und Wirtschaftsmathematik ITWM, Kaiserslautern, Germany
    Numerical homogenization of the viscosity of a fiber suspension
    Tuesday, 26.01.2016, 14:00-15:30 Uhr, Bldg. 10.23, 3rd Floor, R 308.1


  • 28th Workshop Composite Forschung in der Mechanik
    Simulation im Leichtbau

    09.12.-10.12.2015, Paderborn, Germany
    [Book of Abstracts]


Seminar Series

  • Seminar Series Winter Term 2021/22
    - In presence only, if the Corona regulations by then allow for.
    - Except for 12.01.2022 and 09.02.2022, we have been able to reserve the Redtenbacher HS for all lectures planned in presence.

  • PI

    Wednesday, 18:00-19:30h

    Title of Lecture

    Online / Presence



    GRK 2078 & Homogenization of linear elastic properties of FRP based on µCT data




    Good scientific practice and data management



    02.11.2021 (Tue.)

    Hybrid Materials for Lightweight Design

    during IRTG Workshop



    Planning an automated process chain for hybrid FRP components




    Overview of process and structural simulation of continuous FRP




    FFT-based computational homogenization




    Phase-field modelling of solidification




    Manufacturing of Composite Parts




    Efficient machining processes and clamping systems for damage-free machining of fiber reinforced composites




    Fibers for Reinforcement, Synthesis and Properties




    System Oriented Light Weight Design - The Innovation Driver in Product Generation Development




    Effect of uncertainties in the material response of composite materials




    Quality Assurance for carbon fibre reinforced materials




    Damage Mechanics



  • Seminar series within the obligatory curriculum of the doctoral students of GRK2078

Seminar Series on long fiber reinforced polymer structures
Wednesday, 17:30-19:00h, Bldg. 10.50, Room 602 (exceptions are marked with *)
Start: October 17, 2018

Every Principal Investigator of the International Research Training Group will give a lecture generally introducing his field of research, focusing on the research activities in the field of CoDiCoFRP.




Title of Lecture




Damage Mechanics




Manufacturing of Composite Parts




Hybrid Materials for Lightweight Design




Overview of process and structural simulation of continuous FRP




Good scientific practice and data management




Phase-field modelling of solidification




FFT-based computational homogenization
(during the Winter School *)




GRK 2078 & Homogenization of linear elastic properties of FRP based on µCT data




Efficient machining processes and clamping systems for damage-free machining of fiber reinforced composites




Planning an automated process chain for hybrid FRP components
*) Location: Bldg. 50.36, Room: F 010




System Oriented Light Weight Design - The Innovation Driver in Product Generation Development
*) Location: Bldg. 10.23, Room 805




Effect of uncertainties in the material response of composite materials




Fibers for Reinforcement, Synthesis and Properties




Quality Assurance for carbon fibre reinforced materials
*) Location: Bldg. 50.36, Room: F 010


  • Seminar series within the obligatory curriculum of the doctoral students of GRK2078

Seminar Series on long fiber reinforced polymer structures
Wednesday, 17:30-19:00h, Bldg. 10.50, Room 602 (except for February 16th, 2016)
Start: October 28, 2015

Every Principal Investigator of the International Research Training Group will give a lecture generally introducing his field of research, focusing on the research activities in the field of CoDiCoFRP.




Title of Lecture




GRK 2078 & Homogenization of linear elastic properties of FRP based on µCT data




Hybrid Materials for Lightweight Design




Damage Mechanics




Overview of process and structural simulation of continuous FRP




Manufacturing of Composite Parts




Efficient machining processes and clamping systems for damage-free machining of fiber reinforced composites




Effect of uncertainties in the material response of composite materials




Good scientific practice and data management




Phase-field modelling of solidification




Quality Assurance for carbon fibre reinforced materials




Fibers for Reinforcement, Synthesis and Properties




Project planning an automated process chain for hybrid FRP components




System Oriented Light Weight Design - The Innovation Driver in Product Generation Development

Qualification Measures

Qualification Measures

An important part of the Educational Program is defined by several Qualification Measures besides consolidating the scientific knowledge of the PhD candidates.

Among them there are

  • Seminar on the Rules of good scientific practice and on Collecting and archiving research data
  • Intercultural communication and presentation training
  • Module on Scientific writing
  • Module on International project management
  • Module on Human resource management and conflict management

Rules of good scientific practice / Collecting and archiving research data

In this seminar, the rules of good scientific practice are communicated. Since  an effective management of research data becomes more and more important, a seminar on collecting and archiving research data will be set up.

Intercultural communication and presentation training

Intercultural Management focuses on intercultural communication and leadership. Culture appropriate behavior greatly increases success in international management and cooperation. The presentation training provides the participants with the necessary skills to successfully and attractively present scientific papers at conferences, and to confidently defend results during discussions.

Scientific writing

The seminar comprises two one-day interactive sessions that take participants step-by-step through the writing and revision of one of their papers at the conceptual, organizational and writing levels. The participants learn how to ensure that the paper's content fits to their message and audience. They learn how to organize a paper and structure a logical argument in English. as well as how to revise their texts at the section, paragraph and sentence level.

International project management

International project management is a key to the world of business and one of the crucial qualifications for  individuals acting in an international environment. The participants receive an introduction to project management that aims at acquiring the ability to identify and apply goals and quantitative methods for future project planning. Methodological and best-practice aspects are elements to organize a research project.  Topics of this module include an introduction to the objectives and methods of project management and scheduling, including aspects of project risk, multi-project management in an international setting, and development and intercultural project management.

Human resource management and conflict management

This module addresses the challenges of human resource management in industry and academia. Topics include 'Teamwork & leadership competencies in academia', 'Conflict management', 'Management training', as well as 'Leadership and management development in industry'. The participants are introduced to important leadership techniques and become acquainted with the methodical approach to leadership tasks. A dedicated workshop in conflict management conveys fundamental knowledge about dealing with conflicts and practices the power of observations as well as negotiation.